
Rule 2002-4. Rule 2002 Notices

(a) NOTICES PREPARED BY MOVING PARTY. Except as provided otherwise in this rule, an entity moving for relief which requires notice under Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2002 shall give the notice and file proof of such notice.

(b) NOTICES PREPARED BY CLERK. Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this rule, the clerk shall give notice of: 1) the order for relief and the meeting of creditors; 2) a hearing on the approval of a disclosure statement; 3) a hearing on confirmation of a chapter 12 or 13 plan; 4) confirmation of a chapter 11 or 12 plan; 5) revocation of confirmation of a plan; 6) a hearing on a motion for hardship discharge in a chapter 12 or 13 case; 7) the debtor’s discharge; 8) denial or revocation of the debtor’s discharge; and 9) dismissal or conversion of a case.


(1) Disposition of Property. Except as provided in Local Rules 6004-1(b), 6007-1, and 9019-1, the trustee in a chapter 7 asset case shall give notice of sale, abandonment or other disposition of property or compromise or settlement of a controversy, which shall conform substantially to Local Form 6004-1(a).

(2) Final Report and Account. The trustee in a chapter 7 case shall give notice of the trustee’s final report and account.

(d) NOTICES PREPARED BY DEBTOR IN POSSESSION. In a chapter 11 case, if the debtor in possession does not file a list of equity security holders, the debtor in possession shall give notice required under Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2002(d) and file proof of such notice. The proof of notice shall not include a list of the equity security holders, but shall state the total number of such holders and identify the person who provided notice and the custodian of the records containing the names and addresses of such holders. The notice of the order for relief shall conform substantially to Local Form 2002-4(d).

(e) NOTICES PREPARED BY PARTY REQUESTING EXPANDED NOTICE. If the court in a chapter 11 case grants an application under Local Rule 2002-1(b)(2) for expanded notice, the applicant or the moving party shall give new notice.

(f) EXCEPTIONS. The clerk may instruct the debtor or the moving party to mail any notice.

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