
Rule 7056-1. Time Periods for Service and Filing of Summary Judgment Motions

(a) MOVING DOCUMENTS. Notwithstanding Local Rule 9006-1, and unless otherwise provided in any applicable case management order or scheduling order, moving documents for summary judgment in an adversary proceeding or contested matter shall be filed and served not later than twenty-eight days before the hearing date. Moving documents shall be filed within five days after the date and time for a hearing was obtained from the judge’s calendar clerk.

(b) RESPONSIVE DOCUMENTS. Any responsive documents shall be filed and served not later than fourteen days before the hearing date.

(c) REPLY DOCUMENTS. A reply, if any, by the moving party or other interested persons to any responsive documents shall be filed and served not later than seven days before the hearing date. Such reply shall be limited to new legal or factual matters raised by any responsive documents.

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