
Rule 2002-5. Request for Notice; Notice of Appearance

(a) ONE ATTORNEY PER NOTICE. A separate request for notice or notice of appearance must be filed for each attorney seeking electronic notice. A single request for notice or notice of appearance that identifies multiple attorneys will result in only the attorney first identified receiving notice.


(1) If an attorney who is not admitted to practice in the district court wishes to receive electronic notice, the attorney must register as a Filing User of the court’s Electronic Case Filing System in accordance with Local Rule 9010-3(h).

(2)The filing of a request for notice or notice of appearance by an attorney who is not admitted to practice in the district court does not require the filing of a petition for admission pro hac vice. [Attorney admission is governed by Local Rule 9010-3(a) and (c).]

(c) ATTORNEYS AND ENTITIES THAT ARE NON-FILING USERS. A request for notice or notice of appearance that is filed by an attorney or entity who is a non-Filing User will result in notice by regular mail only.

(d) WITHDRAWAL. Any entity wishing to withdraw its request for notice or notice of appearance shall give notice of withdrawal that complies substantially with Local Form 2002-5.

Fed. R. Bankr. P. Reference 9010

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