
Rule 4001-2. Cash Collateral

(a) STATEMENTS TO SUPPORT MOTION. The debtor shall attach separate verified statements regarding the following items to any motion for use of cash collateral: 1) the debtor’s calculation of the amount of debt secured by the collateral; 2) the debtor’s description of the collateral and estimate of the collateral’s value on the date of the filing of the petition and at the beginning of the period of time for which the debtor currently seeks authorization to use cash collateral; 3) the debtor’s description of the collateral and estimate of the collateral’s value at the end of the period of time for which the debtor currently seeks authorization to use cash collateral; and 4) the debtor’s cash flow projections.

(b) PRELIMINARY HEARING. If the hearing on a motion for use of cash collateral is a preliminary hearing pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 4001(b)(2), the debtor’s separate verified statement shall contain an itemization of the proposed uses of cash collateral that are required to avoid immediate and irreparable harm to the estate pending a final hearing on the motion.

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