
Rule 9004-1. Documents – Requirements of Form

(a) SIZE. All documents presented for filing, except trial exhibits, shall be formatted to print on standard letter-size paper (8-1/2″ x 11″).

(b) NON-FILING USERS. Where service, notice, transmittal or mailing of a document on a non-Filing User is required, proof thereof shall be submitted with the document filed, or filed separately by the earlier of two days thereafter or the time of the hearing.

(c) FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION. Documents delivered by facsimile transmission directly to the clerk shall not be accepted for filing.

(d) VERIFICATIONS. A verification shall not be accepted for filing unless it bears a signature, including an electronic signature where allowed by Local Rule 9011-4.


(1) A document that is scanned shall not be submitted for filing, except only the signature page of the Notice of Responsibilities, a document requiring a signature other than the signature of the attorney or the attorney’s staff, or an exhibit.

(2) All documents created on the attorney’s computer should be printed directly to portable document format (PDF).

(3) All documents created using petition preparation software should be printed directly to PDF using the PDF function in the software.

(4) The repeated filing of scanned documents, other than those listed in Local Rule 9013-2(e)(1), will be referred to the judge assigned to the case in which the scanned documents are improperly filed and may result in issuance of an order to show cause or sanctions.

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