
Rule 5095-1 Registry Fund Deposit of Funds; Withdrawal

(a) DEPOSIT OF FUNDS. Unless ordered otherwise or governed by Local Rule 7067-1, all monies coming into the registry of the court shall be deposited under 28 U.S.C. §2041 with the Treasurer of the United States without interest subject to withdrawal by order of the court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §2042. If the court orders otherwise, counsel shall prepare a proposed order designating the depository, identifying the tax identification number of the entity responsible for any interest earned, and specifying all applicable terms of the deposit, stating that the parties assume all risks if any of the deposit, and providing that the parties, and not the clerk, are responsible for interest rates or renewal dates and all subsequent orders which may be necessary or appropriate. A deposit fee shall be collected by the clerk pursuant to the Judicial Conference Schedule of Fees.

(b) WITHDRAWAL OF UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS. Withdrawal under 28 U.S.C. §2042 of funds deposited under §347 of the Code by any entity other than the original claimant or its successor is governed by Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 3001(e). For such purposes, the alleged transferee shall include the current name and address of the original claimant with the evidence of the transfer filed by the transferee. The clerk shall give notice to the transferee and to the original claimant.

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