
Rule 5005-1. Filing Documents – Requirements

(a) ELECTRONIC FILING. Attorneys admitted to the bar of this court who wish to file documents with the court, attorneys representing the United States Trustee, and trustees must register as Filing Users. Once so registered, Filing Users shall electronically file all documents required to be filed with the court in connection with any case or proceeding, except in exceptional circumstances preventing electronc filing.

(b) REGISTRATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF FILING USERS. Registration as a Filing User of the court’s Electronic Case Filing System is in a form prescribed by the clerk and requires the Filing User’s name, address, telephone number, bar identification number if applicable, and a primary e-mail address at which the Filing User wishes to receive CM/ECF notification.

(c) PRO SE FILINGS. An unrepresented individual may file documents electronically only with the permission of the clerk of court.

(d) FILING DEFINED. Electronic transmission of a document to the Electronic Case Filing System consistent with these rules, together with the transmission of a Notice of Electronic Filing from the court, constitutes filing of the document for all purposes of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and the local rules of this court, and constitutes entry of the document on the docket kept by the clerk under Fed.R.Bankr.P. 5003. A document submitted electronically is deemed filed at the date and time stated on the Notice of Electronic Filing from the court or, in the case of documents submitted to the “Inbox” filing option, at the date and time the submission is received by the court. Filing must be completed before midnight local time where the court is located in order to be considered timely filed that day.

(e) RECEIPT OF DOCUMENTS NOT ELECTRONICALLY FILED. Documents properly submitted to the clerk other than through the Electronic Case Filing System are filed at the date and time received by the clerk.

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