
Rule 2002-1. Notice to Creditors & Other Interested Parties

(a) CHAPTER 7, 12 AND 13 CASES. Except as provided in Local Rules 2016-1 and 6004-1, all notices under Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2002 in a chapter 7, 12 or 13 case shall be given to each entity listed in the matrix referred to in Local Rule 1007-2.



(2) Limited and General Notice. Unless ordered otherwise, all notices under Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2002(a)(2), (a)(3) and (a)(7), except a notice of a proposed sale of all or substantially all the debtor’s assets, shall be given as required by Local Rule 9013-3(a)(2). The United States Trustee or any other party in interest may request by application an order expanding such notice to include all creditors. All other notices to creditors under Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2002 shall be given to each entity listed in the matrix referred to in Local Rule 1007-2 and to each additional entity as required by Local Rule 9013-3(a)(2).

(3) Notice to Equity Security Holders. Unless ordered otherwise, all notices under Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2002(d) shall be mailed to each equity security holder.

(c) NO ADDRESS. Neither the clerk, the debtor nor the moving party need provide notice to any entity listed with no address or “address unknown” in the matrix referred to in Local Rule 1007-2.


(i) After transmission by the clerk of the notice of the meeting of creditors, the debtor shall transmit a copy of the notice of the meeting of creditors to any entity not listed at the time on the matrix referred to in Local Rule 1007-2, and shall add those creditors to the matrix.

(ii) The debtor or a creditor or its authorized agent may add the name and address of an omitted creditor, an authorized agent for a creditor, or a new or corrected name or address for any creditor to the matrix.

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