
Rule 1007-2. Mailing – List or Matrix

(a) MATRIX. The debtor shall file with the petition a list of creditors containing the names and addresses of the debtor, the debtor’s attorney and all creditors in matrix form in accordance with the clerk’s instructions.

(b) EQUITY SECURITY HOLDERS IN CHAPTER 11 CASES. Unless ordered otherwise, if there are more than 100 equity security holders in a chapter 11 case, the debtor shall not file a list of the debtor’s equity security holders; otherwise the debtor shall file a list and supplemental matrix containing the names and addresses of the debtor’s equity security holders.


(1) If a petition in a case under chapter 7, chapter 9, or chapter 11 states that the debtor is a health care business, the debtor shall file, within 14 days of the filing of the petition, a list and supplemental matrix containing the names and addresses of all entities that issue licenses to or regulate the debtor or the debtor’s principal.

(2) If the court determines that the debtor is a health care business, such list and supplemental matrix shall be filed within 14 days of the date of entry of the court’s order.

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