
Rule 1017-2. Dismissal or Conversion of Cases

(a) MOTION TO DISMISS OR CONVERT. Except as provided in Local Rules 1017-2(b) and 1019-1, a request for dismissal or conversion of a case shall be made by motion. A motion to dismiss or a motion to convert a case shall be deemed a motion either to dismiss or to convert, whichever is in the best interest of creditors and the estate. In a chapter 7, 11 or 12 case, Local Rules 2002-1 and 2002-4(a) govern preparation and transmission of the notice to creditors.

(b) APPLICATION TO DISMISS OR CONVERT. If a chapter 12 or 13 case was not converted previously, the debtor shall serve any application for dismissal on the trustee and United States Trustee.

Fed. R. Bankr. P. Reference 1019.

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