
Rule 9001-1. Definitions

In addition to the definitions and rules of construction in §§ 101, 102 and 1101 of the Bankruptcy Code and Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9001 and 9002, the following words used in these rules have the meanings indicated:

(1) “Affidavit” includes a verified motion and a statement endorsed with an unsworn declaration.

(2) “Application,” other than an application under Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2014 or 2016, means written request for an order which is made without scheduling a hearing and with limited or no notice.

(3) “Court” means bankruptcy court unless a district judge is acting in a case or proceeding.


(5) “Electronic Case Filing System” means the process made available by the Court for electronic submission of documents.

(6) “Filing User” means a registered user of the Electronic Case Filing System.

(7) “Hour” includes every hour whether the clerk’s office is open or not.

(8) “Judge” means bankruptcy judge unless a district judge is acting in a case or proceeding.

(9) “Motion” means written request for an order which cannot be obtained by application.

(10) “Proof of service,” “proof of notice,” “proof of transmittal” or “proof of mailing,” as applicable, means proof of actual receipt or an affidavit establishing the service, notice, transmittal or mailing.


(12) “Unsworn declaration” means unsworn statement that complies substantially with 28 U.S.C. §1746 and which is endorsed on a document.

(13) “Verified” or “verification” means affidavit or unsworn declaration, affixed to or endorsed on a document, which states in substance that the factual allegations made in the document are true and correct according to the best of the verifier’s knowledge, information and belief.

Fed. R. Bankr. P. Reference 9002.

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