
Rule 2003-1. Meeting of Creditors

In a chapter 7, 12 or 13 case, for purposes of Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 4003(b), the meeting of creditors shall be deemed concluded on the first date set for such meeting, unless 1) the trustee files a statement specifying the date and time to which the meeting is adjourned or 2) if no meeting is convened within 28 days after the first date set for such meeting, the trustee files a notice of nonconcluded meeting of creditors and serves such notice on the debtor, the attorney for the debtor, the United States Trustee, each entity that appeared at the meeting of creditors, and each entity that has filed a request for notice or notice of appearance under Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2002(i) or 9010(b). If a statement regarding adjournment or notice of nonconcluded meeting is filed, and unless ordered otherwise, the meeting shall not be deemed concluded until a report is filed by the trustee stating that the meeting has been concluded.

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