
Rule 1009-1. Amendments to Voluntary Petitions, Lists, Schedules and Statements

(a) DEBTOR’S IDENTIFICATION. At any time before the notice of the meeting of creditors has been transmitted, the clerk may direct the debtor to file an amendment to the petition on a form prescribed by the clerk so as to correct any clerical mistakes in the debtor’s name, address, or identification number. If the debtor fails to comply, the clerk shall determine the title of the case. If such amendment to the petition is filed after the notice of the meeting of creditors has been transmitted, the clerk shall change the title of the case, including making any corrections to the debtor’s name or social security number. If the debtor is represented by an attorney, the debtor shall provide a notice of corrected case title to all creditors; the clerk shall give notice if the debtor is pro se.


(1) All amendments. Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this rule, all amendments to petitions, exhibits, attachments, schedules, statements and lists must be made by filing a new petition, exhibit, attachment, schedule, statement or list that is identified as amended. The debtor must clearly identify all changes made in any amendments by underlining all additions and lining out all deletions, or by submitting with the amended documents Local Form 1009-1, containing a complete list of all changes reflected on the amended documents when compared with the original or the most recent amendments. All amendments must be verified by the debtor and transmitted to the trustee and the United States Trustee. A copy of any amended statement of intention must also be transmitted to each affected creditor. A matrix may not be amended under this rule.

(2) Additional requirements for Schedule A/B. To amend Schedule A/B, the debtor must file verified Schedule A/B (Official Form 106A/B or 206 A/B) and the Summary of assets and liabilities and certain statistical information (Official Form 106Sum or 206Sum) with the “amended” checkboxes checked. The debtor must transmit these documents to each entity that has filed a request for notice or notice of appearance under Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2002(i) or 9010(b).

(3) Additional requirements for Schedule C. To amend Schedule C, the debtor must file verified Schedule C (Official Form 106C) and the Summary of assets and liabilities and certain statistical information (Official Form 106Sum) with the “amended” checkboxes checked. The debtor must transmit these documents to each entity listed in the mailing matrix in the court’s Electronic Case Filing System. If the debtor fails to file a verification or to provide proof of transmittal of an amended Schedule C and Summary of assets and liabilities on each entity entitled to such notice under this rule, the court shall issue an order providing that the debtor’s amended claim of exemption will have no effect until the debtor has complied with the verification and transmittal requirements of this rule and filed proof of such compliance with the clerk. The clerk shall not issue a Certificate Regarding Property Claimed as Exempt until the debtor has complied with the verification and transmittal requirements of the rule and the applicable period for objection has expired.

(4) Additional requirements for Schedules D and E/F. To amend Schedule D or E/F, the debtor must file verified Schedule D (Official Form 106D or 206D) or Schedule E/F (Official Form 106E/F or 206E/F) or both, together with the Summary of assets and liabilities and certain statistical information (Official Form 106Sum or 206Sum) with the amended checkboxes checked, and must add the names and addresses of any new or corrected creditors to the matrix. The debtor must transmit notice of the case to each new or corrected creditor listed in any amendment to Schedule D or E/F and must file proof of such transmittal.

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