
Rule 1006-1. Filing Fees

(a) PAYABLE UPON COMMENCEMENT OF A CASE. Fees payable upon the commencement of a case shall be paid with cash, a money order, a cashier’s check, a credit card of a law firm or of an attorney representing a client other than him – or herself and admitted to practice in the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota or treated as if so admitted under Local Rule 9010-3(c), or funds drawn on the account of any such attorney.

(b) INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS. If an individual applies for permission to pay such fees in installments, the individual shall pay one half of the filing fees at the time of filing the petition. If the court grants the application, the balance shall be paid within 30 days thereafter. If one half of the filing fee is not paid at the time of filing the petition, it shall be paid within 7 days thereafter. If the initial one half of the filing fee is not paid within 7 days or the balance is not paid within 30 days, or such later times as the court may fix by order entered prior to the expiration of the original deadline, an order dismissing the case will be entered immediately, without hearing and without further notice.

(c) DISMISSAL FOR FAILURE TO PAY. If the filing fee required by subsection (a) of this rule or any installment payment required by subsection (b) of this rule is not paid as directed, or at such later times as the court may fix by order entered prior to the expiration of the original deadline, an order dismissing the case will be entered immediately, without hearing and without further notice.

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