
Rule 3002-2. Administrative Expense Claims

(a) CHAPTER 7 CASES. In a chapter 7 case, an entity, except a professional person governed by Local Rule 2016-1, requesting payment of an administrative expense shall file a request for payment asserting priority status and serve copies on the trustee and the United States Trustee. If the request is made under §§503(b)(4) or (b)(5) of the Code, the entity shall also file an application and transmit it to the trustee and the United States Trustee.

(b) CHAPTER 11, 12 AND 13 CASES. In a chapter 11, 12 or 13 case, a request for payment of an administrative expense shall be made by motion.

(c) CONVERSION TO CHAPTER 7. Holders of administrative expense claims incurred after the commencement of a case under Chapters 11, 12 and 13, but before conversion to a case under Chapter 7, shall, after conversion, file a request for payment and transmit it to the trustee within the time fixed by the court. The request for payment shall conform substantially to Local Form 3002-2(c).

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