
The Bankruptcy Process
Step by Step

If you are thinking about petitioning for Bankruptcy here is a step by step overview of what you’ll have to do in order to get your petition approved and receive your discharge. Filing Bankruptcy isn’t necessarily difficult but it is important that your paperwork is filled out correctly and you approach things in the right order.


At LifeBack Law Firm every relationship starts with a call, e-mail, or text to our intake specialist. She is here to help take care of you. If you like being treated like a rock star you will love our intake specialist. She’ll schedule you for a free, no-obligation consultation at a time that is convenient for you. You can meet us in person at one of our numerous Minnesota locations or by phone, Skype or Facetime. Our spaces are professional— our team is professional, kind and helpful.

Step 2 – The Review & Sign

At this point you have signed up to get your life back and you are well on your way. During this meeting our team, along with you, will review and make sure the information on your Bankruptcy Petition is true and correct. We then file your case with the bankruptcy court electronically and handle all of your creditors to protect you from any creditor harassment.

Step 3 – The 341 Meeting Of Creditors

At the First 341 Meeting of Creditors a Bankruptcy Trustee will ask you to verify the information on your Bankruptcy Petition is true and correct- that all your assets and debts are listed. We are not sure why they call it a first meeting because there is not a second and why they call it a meeting of creditors because creditors typically never show up. The meeting only takes 5-10 minutes and you are done. After the meeting we field calls from your creditors and the court and answer questions about your case.

Step 4 – The Discharge

60 days after your meeting, you get your discharge and you are done. With your courage and our help, you will have your life back. Life is good again! Your only regret will be that you did not file bankruptcy sooner.

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