Brenna Macpherson Evans

Brenna Macpherson Evans

Direct #: (612) 843-0594
[email protected]
Office Location: Eagan, MN


Financial problems happen. In times of rising inflation and stagnant income, debt has become virtually inevitable unless you were born one of the privileged few. I was drawn to bankruptcy law after watching my friends, my family, and even myself do everything “right”, but still end up with substantial debts and no support.  Now as a MN Bankruptcy Attorney, I get to use my skills to help my community with their burdens while providing a path forward.

Before pivoting to bankruptcy law, I practiced in Canada as a US Tax Lawyer. Part of my job was representing international taxpayers in disputes with the IRS and getting their penalties abated. There, I found my passion for helping clients address financial issues, switched to bankruptcy law, and haven’t looked back since.

One of my favorite aspects of Bankruptcy Law is building supportive relationships with my clients, while providing a compassionate and empathic ear. Owing debts is not a personal failing, and no one should feel like they have no options. There’s a solution for you out there, and we’re here to help you find it!

Outside the office, I can usually be found enjoying the great outdoors. Mountain/distance biking, hiking, rock climbing, canyoneering, kayaking: if it’s outdoors, I’m probably trying it! When I’m not chasing adrenaline, I love to spend my time at the local cafes, record shops, dance studios, and antique stores.